Source code for timecast.optim._projected_sgd

import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
from flax import struct
from flax.optim.base import OptimizerDef

class _ProjectedSGDHyperParams:
    """ProjectedSGD hyperparameters"""

    learning_rate: jnp.ndarray
    projection_threshold: float

[docs]class ProjectedSGD(OptimizerDef): """Gradient descent optimizer with projections.""" def __init__(self, learning_rate: float = None, projection_threshold: float = None): """Constructor for the ProjectedSGD optimizer. Args: learning_rate (float): the step size used to update the parameters. projection_threshold (float): threshold for parameters (Frobenius norm for matrices, 2-norm for vectors) """ projection_threshold = projection_threshold or float("inf") hyper_params = _ProjectedSGDHyperParams(learning_rate, projection_threshold) super().__init__(hyper_params)
[docs] def init_param_state(self, param): """Initialize parameter state""" return ()
[docs] def apply_param_gradient(self, step, hyper_params, param, state, grad): """Apply per-parametmer gradients""" del step assert hyper_params.learning_rate is not None, "no learning rate provided." new_param = param - hyper_params.learning_rate * grad norm = jnp.linalg.norm(new_param) new_param = jax.lax.cond( norm > hyper_params.projection_threshold, new_param, lambda x: hyper_params.projection_threshold / norm * x, new_param, lambda x: x, ) return new_param, state