timecast.learners package


timecast.learners.core module

Module contents


class timecast.learners.AR(*args, name=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: timecast.learners.base.NewMixin, timecast.learners.base.FitMixin, flax.nn.base.Module


  • We expect that x is one- or two-dimensional

  • We reshape x to ensure its first axis is time and its second axis is input_features

  • x (np.ndarray) – input data

  • history_len (int) – length of AR history length

  • output_dim (Union[Tuple[int, ..], int]) – int or tuple

  • output shape (describing) –

  • history (np.ndarray, optional) – Defaults to None. Optional

  • for history (initialization) –

  • loc – mean for centering data

  • scale – std for normalizing data



Return type


apply(x: numpy.ndarray, history_len: int, output_dim: Union[Tuple[int, …], int] = 1, history: numpy.ndarray = None, loc: Union[numpy.ndarray, float] = None, scale: Union[numpy.ndarray, float] = None)[source]


  • We expect that x is one- or two-dimensional

  • We reshape x to ensure its first axis is time and its second axis is input_features

  • x (np.ndarray) – input data

  • history_len (int) – length of AR history length

  • output_dim (Union[Tuple[int, ..], int]) – int or tuple

  • output shape (describing) –

  • history (np.ndarray, optional) – Defaults to None. Optional

  • for history (initialization) –

  • loc – mean for centering data

  • scale – std for normalizing data



Return type


classmethod call(x: numpy.ndarray, history_len: int, output_dim: Union[Tuple[int, …], int] = 1, history: numpy.ndarray = None, loc: Union[numpy.ndarray, float] = None, scale: Union[numpy.ndarray, float] = None)

Evaluate the module with the given parameters.

  • params – the parameters of the module. Typically, inital parameter values are constructed using Module.init or Module.init_by_shape.

  • *args – arguments passed to the module’s apply function

  • name – name of this module.

  • **kwargs – keyword arguments passed to the module’s apply function


The output of the module’s apply function.

Apply docstring:

  • We expect that x is one- or two-dimensional

  • We reshape x to ensure its first axis is time and its second axis is input_features


x (np.ndarray): input data history_len (int): length of AR history length output_dim (Union[Tuple[int, …], int]): int or tuple describing output shape history (np.ndarray, optional): Defaults to None. Optional initialization for history loc: mean for centering data scale: std for normalizing data


np.ndarray: result

classmethod create(x: numpy.ndarray, history_len: int, output_dim: Union[Tuple[int, …], int] = 1, history: numpy.ndarray = None, loc: Union[numpy.ndarray, float] = None, scale: Union[numpy.ndarray, float] = None)

Create a module instance by evaluating the model.

DEPRECATION WARNING: create() is deprecated use init() to initialize parameters and then explicitly create a nn.Model given the module and initialized parameters.

Use create_by_shape instead to initialize without doing computation. Initializer functions can depend both on the shape and the value of inputs.

  • _rng – the random number generator used to initialize parameters.

  • *args – arguments passed to the module’s apply function

  • name – name of this module

  • **kwargs – keyword arguments passed to the module’s apply function


A pair consisting of the model output and an instance of Model

Apply docstring:

  • We expect that x is one- or two-dimensional

  • We reshape x to ensure its first axis is time and its second axis is input_features


x (np.ndarray): input data history_len (int): length of AR history length output_dim (Union[Tuple[int, …], int]): int or tuple describing output shape history (np.ndarray, optional): Defaults to None. Optional initialization for history loc: mean for centering data scale: std for normalizing data


np.ndarray: result

classmethod create_by_shape(input_specs, x: numpy.ndarray, history_len: int, output_dim: Union[Tuple[int, …], int] = 1, history: numpy.ndarray = None, loc: Union[numpy.ndarray, float] = None, scale: Union[numpy.ndarray, float] = None)

Create a module instance using only shape and dtype information.

DEPRECATION WARNING: create_by_shape() is deprecated use init_by_shape() to initialize parameters and then explicitly create a nn.Model given the module and initialized parameters.

This method will initialize the model without computation. Initializer functions can depend on the shape but not the value of inputs.

  • _rng – the random number generator used to initialize parameters.

  • input_specs – an iterable of (shape, dtype) pairs specifying the inputs

  • *args – other arguments passed to the module’s apply function

  • name – name of this module.

  • **kwargs – keyword arguments passed to the module’s apply function


A pair consisting of the model output and an instance of Model

Apply docstring:

  • We expect that x is one- or two-dimensional

  • We reshape x to ensure its first axis is time and its second axis is input_features


x (np.ndarray): input data history_len (int): length of AR history length output_dim (Union[Tuple[int, …], int]): int or tuple describing output shape history (np.ndarray, optional): Defaults to None. Optional initialization for history loc: mean for centering data scale: std for normalizing data


np.ndarray: result

classmethod fit(data: Iterable[Tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, Any]], input_dim: int, history_len: int, output_dim: int = 1, normalize: bool = True, alpha: float = 1.0, key: jax.numpy.lax_numpy.ndarray = None, history: numpy.ndarray = None, name: str = 'AR', **kwargs) → flax.nn.base.Model[source]

Receives data as an iterable of tuples containing input time series, true time series


  • Use (1, history_len * input_dim) vectors as features (could

consider other representations) * Given a time series of length N and a history of length H, construct N - H + 1 windows * We could infer input_dim from data, but for now, require users to explicitly provide * Assumes we get tuples of time series, not individual time series observations

  • data – an iterable of tuples containing input/truth pairs of time

  • plus any auxiliary value (series) –

  • input_dim – number of feature dimensions in input

  • history_len – length of history to consider

  • output_dim – number of feature dimensions in output

  • normalize – zscore data or not

  • alpha – for ridge regression

  • key – random key for jax random

  • history – Any history to pass to AR

  • name – name for the top-level module

  • kwargs – Extra keyword arguments


initialized model

Return type


classmethod init(x: numpy.ndarray, history_len: int, output_dim: Union[Tuple[int, …], int] = 1, history: numpy.ndarray = None, loc: Union[numpy.ndarray, float] = None, scale: Union[numpy.ndarray, float] = None)

Initialize the module parameters.

  • _rng – the random number generator used to initialize parameters.

  • *args – arguments passed to the module’s apply function

  • name – name of this module.

  • **kwargs – keyword arguments passed to the module’s apply function


A pair consisting of the model output and the initialized parameters

Apply docstring:

  • We expect that x is one- or two-dimensional

  • We reshape x to ensure its first axis is time and its second axis is input_features


x (np.ndarray): input data history_len (int): length of AR history length output_dim (Union[Tuple[int, …], int]): int or tuple describing output shape history (np.ndarray, optional): Defaults to None. Optional initialization for history loc: mean for centering data scale: std for normalizing data


np.ndarray: result

classmethod init_by_shape(input_specs, x: numpy.ndarray, history_len: int, output_dim: Union[Tuple[int, …], int] = 1, history: numpy.ndarray = None, loc: Union[numpy.ndarray, float] = None, scale: Union[numpy.ndarray, float] = None)

Initialize the module parameters.

This method will initialize the module parameters without computation. Initializer functions can depend on the shape but not the value of inputs.

  • _rng – the random number generator used to initialize parameters.

  • input_specs – an iterable of (shape, dtype) pairs specifying the inputs

  • *args – arguments passed to the module’s apply function

  • name – name of this module.

  • **kwargs – keyword arguments passed to the module’s apply function


A pair consisting of the model output and the initialized parameters


``` input_shape = (batch_size, image_size, image_size, 3) model_output, initial_params = model.init_by_shape(jax.random.PRNGKey(0),

input_specs=[(input_shape, jnp.float32)])


Apply docstring:

  • We expect that x is one- or two-dimensional

  • We reshape x to ensure its first axis is time and its second axis is input_features


x (np.ndarray): input data history_len (int): length of AR history length output_dim (Union[Tuple[int, …], int]): int or tuple describing output shape history (np.ndarray, optional): Defaults to None. Optional initialization for history loc: mean for centering data scale: std for normalizing data


np.ndarray: result

classmethod partial(history_len: int, output_dim: Union[Tuple[int, …], int] = 1, history: numpy.ndarray = None, loc: Union[numpy.ndarray, float] = None, scale: Union[numpy.ndarray, float] = None)

Partially applies a module with the given arguments.

Unlike functools.partial this will return a subclass of Module.

  • name – the name used the module

  • **kwargs – the argument to be applied.


A subclass of Module which partially applies the given keyword arguments.

Apply docstring:

  • We expect that x is one- or two-dimensional

  • We reshape x to ensure its first axis is time and its second axis is input_features


x (np.ndarray): input data history_len (int): length of AR history length output_dim (Union[Tuple[int, …], int]): int or tuple describing output shape history (np.ndarray, optional): Defaults to None. Optional initialization for history loc: mean for centering data scale: std for normalizing data


np.ndarray: result

class timecast.learners.ARX(*args, name=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: timecast.learners.base.NewMixin, flax.nn.base.Module

  • x = features

  • y = targets

  • H = history_len

Estimates the following:

hat{y} = sum_{i = 1}^{H + 1} B_i x_{t - i - 1} + a

sum_{i = 1} ^ H A_i y_{t - i} + b


  • If batched, assume that first axis is time axis

  • If not batched, assume that features and / or targets are one

time step and have no time or batch axis * Delegates much of the error checking to ARXHistory

  • targets (np.ndarray) – target data

  • features (np.ndarray) – feature data

  • output_shape (Union[Tuple[int, ..], int]) – int or tuple

  • output shape (describing) –

  • history_len (int) – length of history

  • constrain – force one parameter per for each slot in history. TODO:

  • this better (explain) –

  • batched (bool) – first axis is batch axis



Return type


apply(targets: numpy.ndarray = None, features: numpy.ndarray = None, history_len: int = 1, output_shape: Union[Tuple[int, …], int] = 1, constrain: bool = True, batched: bool = False)[source]
  • x = features

  • y = targets

  • H = history_len

Estimates the following:

hat{y} = sum_{i = 1}^{H + 1} B_i x_{t - i - 1} + a

sum_{i = 1} ^ H A_i y_{t - i} + b


  • If batched, assume that first axis is time axis

  • If not batched, assume that features and / or targets are one

time step and have no time or batch axis * Delegates much of the error checking to ARXHistory

  • targets (np.ndarray) – target data

  • features (np.ndarray) – feature data

  • output_shape (Union[Tuple[int, ..], int]) – int or tuple

  • output shape (describing) –

  • history_len (int) – length of history

  • constrain – force one parameter per for each slot in history. TODO:

  • this better (explain) –

  • batched (bool) – first axis is batch axis



Return type


classmethod call(targets: numpy.ndarray = None, features: numpy.ndarray = None, history_len: int = 1, output_shape: Union[Tuple[int, …], int] = 1, constrain: bool = True, batched: bool = False)

Evaluate the module with the given parameters.

  • params – the parameters of the module. Typically, inital parameter values are constructed using Module.init or Module.init_by_shape.

  • *args – arguments passed to the module’s apply function

  • name – name of this module.

  • **kwargs – keyword arguments passed to the module’s apply function


The output of the module’s apply function.

Apply docstring:

  • x = features

  • y = targets

  • H = history_len

Estimates the following:

hat{y} = sum_{i = 1}^{H + 1} B_i x_{t - i - 1} + a

sum_{i = 1} ^ H A_i y_{t - i} + b

  • If batched, assume that first axis is time axis

  • If not batched, assume that features and / or targets are one

time step and have no time or batch axis * Delegates much of the error checking to ARXHistory


targets (np.ndarray): target data features (np.ndarray): feature data output_shape (Union[Tuple[int, …], int]): int or tuple describing output shape history_len (int): length of history constrain: force one parameter per for each slot in history. TODO: explain this better batched (bool): first axis is batch axis


np.ndarray: result

classmethod create(targets: numpy.ndarray = None, features: numpy.ndarray = None, history_len: int = 1, output_shape: Union[Tuple[int, …], int] = 1, constrain: bool = True, batched: bool = False)

Create a module instance by evaluating the model.

DEPRECATION WARNING: create() is deprecated use init() to initialize parameters and then explicitly create a nn.Model given the module and initialized parameters.

Use create_by_shape instead to initialize without doing computation. Initializer functions can depend both on the shape and the value of inputs.

  • _rng – the random number generator used to initialize parameters.

  • *args – arguments passed to the module’s apply function

  • name – name of this module

  • **kwargs – keyword arguments passed to the module’s apply function


A pair consisting of the model output and an instance of Model

Apply docstring:

  • x = features

  • y = targets

  • H = history_len

Estimates the following:

hat{y} = sum_{i = 1}^{H + 1} B_i x_{t - i - 1} + a

sum_{i = 1} ^ H A_i y_{t - i} + b

  • If batched, assume that first axis is time axis

  • If not batched, assume that features and / or targets are one

time step and have no time or batch axis * Delegates much of the error checking to ARXHistory


targets (np.ndarray): target data features (np.ndarray): feature data output_shape (Union[Tuple[int, …], int]): int or tuple describing output shape history_len (int): length of history constrain: force one parameter per for each slot in history. TODO: explain this better batched (bool): first axis is batch axis


np.ndarray: result

classmethod create_by_shape(input_specs, targets: numpy.ndarray = None, features: numpy.ndarray = None, history_len: int = 1, output_shape: Union[Tuple[int, …], int] = 1, constrain: bool = True, batched: bool = False)

Create a module instance using only shape and dtype information.

DEPRECATION WARNING: create_by_shape() is deprecated use init_by_shape() to initialize parameters and then explicitly create a nn.Model given the module and initialized parameters.

This method will initialize the model without computation. Initializer functions can depend on the shape but not the value of inputs.

  • _rng – the random number generator used to initialize parameters.

  • input_specs – an iterable of (shape, dtype) pairs specifying the inputs

  • *args – other arguments passed to the module’s apply function

  • name – name of this module.

  • **kwargs – keyword arguments passed to the module’s apply function


A pair consisting of the model output and an instance of Model

Apply docstring:

  • x = features

  • y = targets

  • H = history_len

Estimates the following:

hat{y} = sum_{i = 1}^{H + 1} B_i x_{t - i - 1} + a

sum_{i = 1} ^ H A_i y_{t - i} + b

  • If batched, assume that first axis is time axis

  • If not batched, assume that features and / or targets are one

time step and have no time or batch axis * Delegates much of the error checking to ARXHistory


targets (np.ndarray): target data features (np.ndarray): feature data output_shape (Union[Tuple[int, …], int]): int or tuple describing output shape history_len (int): length of history constrain: force one parameter per for each slot in history. TODO: explain this better batched (bool): first axis is batch axis


np.ndarray: result

classmethod init(targets: numpy.ndarray = None, features: numpy.ndarray = None, history_len: int = 1, output_shape: Union[Tuple[int, …], int] = 1, constrain: bool = True, batched: bool = False)

Initialize the module parameters.

  • _rng – the random number generator used to initialize parameters.

  • *args – arguments passed to the module’s apply function

  • name – name of this module.

  • **kwargs – keyword arguments passed to the module’s apply function


A pair consisting of the model output and the initialized parameters

Apply docstring:

  • x = features

  • y = targets

  • H = history_len

Estimates the following:

hat{y} = sum_{i = 1}^{H + 1} B_i x_{t - i - 1} + a

sum_{i = 1} ^ H A_i y_{t - i} + b

  • If batched, assume that first axis is time axis

  • If not batched, assume that features and / or targets are one

time step and have no time or batch axis * Delegates much of the error checking to ARXHistory


targets (np.ndarray): target data features (np.ndarray): feature data output_shape (Union[Tuple[int, …], int]): int or tuple describing output shape history_len (int): length of history constrain: force one parameter per for each slot in history. TODO: explain this better batched (bool): first axis is batch axis


np.ndarray: result

classmethod init_by_shape(input_specs, targets: numpy.ndarray = None, features: numpy.ndarray = None, history_len: int = 1, output_shape: Union[Tuple[int, …], int] = 1, constrain: bool = True, batched: bool = False)

Initialize the module parameters.

This method will initialize the module parameters without computation. Initializer functions can depend on the shape but not the value of inputs.

  • _rng – the random number generator used to initialize parameters.

  • input_specs – an iterable of (shape, dtype) pairs specifying the inputs

  • *args – arguments passed to the module’s apply function

  • name – name of this module.

  • **kwargs – keyword arguments passed to the module’s apply function


A pair consisting of the model output and the initialized parameters


``` input_shape = (batch_size, image_size, image_size, 3) model_output, initial_params = model.init_by_shape(jax.random.PRNGKey(0),

input_specs=[(input_shape, jnp.float32)])


Apply docstring:

  • x = features

  • y = targets

  • H = history_len

Estimates the following:

hat{y} = sum_{i = 1}^{H + 1} B_i x_{t - i - 1} + a

sum_{i = 1} ^ H A_i y_{t - i} + b

  • If batched, assume that first axis is time axis

  • If not batched, assume that features and / or targets are one

time step and have no time or batch axis * Delegates much of the error checking to ARXHistory


targets (np.ndarray): target data features (np.ndarray): feature data output_shape (Union[Tuple[int, …], int]): int or tuple describing output shape history_len (int): length of history constrain: force one parameter per for each slot in history. TODO: explain this better batched (bool): first axis is batch axis


np.ndarray: result

classmethod partial(features: numpy.ndarray = None, history_len: int = 1, output_shape: Union[Tuple[int, …], int] = 1, constrain: bool = True, batched: bool = False)

Partially applies a module with the given arguments.

Unlike functools.partial this will return a subclass of Module.

  • name – the name used the module

  • **kwargs – the argument to be applied.


A subclass of Module which partially applies the given keyword arguments.

Apply docstring:

  • x = features

  • y = targets

  • H = history_len

Estimates the following:

hat{y} = sum_{i = 1}^{H + 1} B_i x_{t - i - 1} + a

sum_{i = 1} ^ H A_i y_{t - i} + b

  • If batched, assume that first axis is time axis

  • If not batched, assume that features and / or targets are one

time step and have no time or batch axis * Delegates much of the error checking to ARXHistory


targets (np.ndarray): target data features (np.ndarray): feature data output_shape (Union[Tuple[int, …], int]): int or tuple describing output shape history_len (int): length of history constrain: force one parameter per for each slot in history. TODO: explain this better batched (bool): first axis is batch axis


np.ndarray: result

class timecast.learners.ARXHistory(*args, name=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: timecast.learners.base.NewMixin, flax.nn.base.Module

  • x = features

  • y = targets

  • H = history_len

Estimates the following:

hat{y} = sum_{i = 1}^{H + 1} B_i x_{t - i - 1} + a

sum_{i = 1} ^ H A_i y_{t - i} + b


  • Assumes features and targets have three dimensions: (batch,

history, data). Any extra dimensions are part of the data shape * Doesn’t care if features and targets have different history or input dimensions

  • targets (np.ndarray) – target data

  • features (np.ndarray) – feature data

  • output_shape (Union[Tuple[int, ..], int]) – int or tuple

  • output shape (describing) –

  • constrain – force one parameter per for each slot in history. TODO:

  • this better (explain) –

  • batched (bool) – first axis is batch axis



Return type


apply(targets: numpy.ndarray = None, features: numpy.ndarray = None, output_shape: Union[Tuple[int, …], int] = 1, constrain: bool = True, batched: bool = False)[source]
  • x = features

  • y = targets

  • H = history_len

Estimates the following:

hat{y} = sum_{i = 1}^{H + 1} B_i x_{t - i - 1} + a

sum_{i = 1} ^ H A_i y_{t - i} + b


  • Assumes features and targets have three dimensions: (batch,

history, data). Any extra dimensions are part of the data shape * Doesn’t care if features and targets have different history or input dimensions

  • targets (np.ndarray) – target data

  • features (np.ndarray) – feature data

  • output_shape (Union[Tuple[int, ..], int]) – int or tuple

  • output shape (describing) –

  • constrain – force one parameter per for each slot in history. TODO:

  • this better (explain) –

  • batched (bool) – first axis is batch axis



Return type


classmethod call(targets: numpy.ndarray = None, features: numpy.ndarray = None, output_shape: Union[Tuple[int, …], int] = 1, constrain: bool = True, batched: bool = False)

Evaluate the module with the given parameters.

  • params – the parameters of the module. Typically, inital parameter values are constructed using Module.init or Module.init_by_shape.

  • *args – arguments passed to the module’s apply function

  • name – name of this module.

  • **kwargs – keyword arguments passed to the module’s apply function


The output of the module’s apply function.

Apply docstring:

  • x = features

  • y = targets

  • H = history_len

Estimates the following:

hat{y} = sum_{i = 1}^{H + 1} B_i x_{t - i - 1} + a

sum_{i = 1} ^ H A_i y_{t - i} + b

  • Assumes features and targets have three dimensions: (batch,

history, data). Any extra dimensions are part of the data shape * Doesn’t care if features and targets have different history or input dimensions


targets (np.ndarray): target data features (np.ndarray): feature data output_shape (Union[Tuple[int, …], int]): int or tuple describing output shape constrain: force one parameter per for each slot in history. TODO: explain this better batched (bool): first axis is batch axis


np.ndarray: result

classmethod create(targets: numpy.ndarray = None, features: numpy.ndarray = None, output_shape: Union[Tuple[int, …], int] = 1, constrain: bool = True, batched: bool = False)

Create a module instance by evaluating the model.

DEPRECATION WARNING: create() is deprecated use init() to initialize parameters and then explicitly create a nn.Model given the module and initialized parameters.

Use create_by_shape instead to initialize without doing computation. Initializer functions can depend both on the shape and the value of inputs.

  • _rng – the random number generator used to initialize parameters.

  • *args – arguments passed to the module’s apply function

  • name – name of this module

  • **kwargs – keyword arguments passed to the module’s apply function


A pair consisting of the model output and an instance of Model

Apply docstring:

  • x = features

  • y = targets

  • H = history_len

Estimates the following:

hat{y} = sum_{i = 1}^{H + 1} B_i x_{t - i - 1} + a

sum_{i = 1} ^ H A_i y_{t - i} + b

  • Assumes features and targets have three dimensions: (batch,

history, data). Any extra dimensions are part of the data shape * Doesn’t care if features and targets have different history or input dimensions


targets (np.ndarray): target data features (np.ndarray): feature data output_shape (Union[Tuple[int, …], int]): int or tuple describing output shape constrain: force one parameter per for each slot in history. TODO: explain this better batched (bool): first axis is batch axis


np.ndarray: result

classmethod create_by_shape(input_specs, targets: numpy.ndarray = None, features: numpy.ndarray = None, output_shape: Union[Tuple[int, …], int] = 1, constrain: bool = True, batched: bool = False)

Create a module instance using only shape and dtype information.

DEPRECATION WARNING: create_by_shape() is deprecated use init_by_shape() to initialize parameters and then explicitly create a nn.Model given the module and initialized parameters.

This method will initialize the model without computation. Initializer functions can depend on the shape but not the value of inputs.

  • _rng – the random number generator used to initialize parameters.

  • input_specs – an iterable of (shape, dtype) pairs specifying the inputs

  • *args – other arguments passed to the module’s apply function

  • name – name of this module.

  • **kwargs – keyword arguments passed to the module’s apply function


A pair consisting of the model output and an instance of Model

Apply docstring:

  • x = features

  • y = targets

  • H = history_len

Estimates the following:

hat{y} = sum_{i = 1}^{H + 1} B_i x_{t - i - 1} + a

sum_{i = 1} ^ H A_i y_{t - i} + b

  • Assumes features and targets have three dimensions: (batch,

history, data). Any extra dimensions are part of the data shape * Doesn’t care if features and targets have different history or input dimensions


targets (np.ndarray): target data features (np.ndarray): feature data output_shape (Union[Tuple[int, …], int]): int or tuple describing output shape constrain: force one parameter per for each slot in history. TODO: explain this better batched (bool): first axis is batch axis


np.ndarray: result

classmethod init(targets: numpy.ndarray = None, features: numpy.ndarray = None, output_shape: Union[Tuple[int, …], int] = 1, constrain: bool = True, batched: bool = False)

Initialize the module parameters.

  • _rng – the random number generator used to initialize parameters.

  • *args – arguments passed to the module’s apply function

  • name – name of this module.

  • **kwargs – keyword arguments passed to the module’s apply function


A pair consisting of the model output and the initialized parameters

Apply docstring:

  • x = features

  • y = targets

  • H = history_len

Estimates the following:

hat{y} = sum_{i = 1}^{H + 1} B_i x_{t - i - 1} + a

sum_{i = 1} ^ H A_i y_{t - i} + b

  • Assumes features and targets have three dimensions: (batch,

history, data). Any extra dimensions are part of the data shape * Doesn’t care if features and targets have different history or input dimensions


targets (np.ndarray): target data features (np.ndarray): feature data output_shape (Union[Tuple[int, …], int]): int or tuple describing output shape constrain: force one parameter per for each slot in history. TODO: explain this better batched (bool): first axis is batch axis


np.ndarray: result

classmethod init_by_shape(input_specs, targets: numpy.ndarray = None, features: numpy.ndarray = None, output_shape: Union[Tuple[int, …], int] = 1, constrain: bool = True, batched: bool = False)

Initialize the module parameters.

This method will initialize the module parameters without computation. Initializer functions can depend on the shape but not the value of inputs.

  • _rng – the random number generator used to initialize parameters.

  • input_specs – an iterable of (shape, dtype) pairs specifying the inputs

  • *args – arguments passed to the module’s apply function

  • name – name of this module.

  • **kwargs – keyword arguments passed to the module’s apply function


A pair consisting of the model output and the initialized parameters


``` input_shape = (batch_size, image_size, image_size, 3) model_output, initial_params = model.init_by_shape(jax.random.PRNGKey(0),

input_specs=[(input_shape, jnp.float32)])


Apply docstring:

  • x = features

  • y = targets

  • H = history_len

Estimates the following:

hat{y} = sum_{i = 1}^{H + 1} B_i x_{t - i - 1} + a

sum_{i = 1} ^ H A_i y_{t - i} + b

  • Assumes features and targets have three dimensions: (batch,

history, data). Any extra dimensions are part of the data shape * Doesn’t care if features and targets have different history or input dimensions


targets (np.ndarray): target data features (np.ndarray): feature data output_shape (Union[Tuple[int, …], int]): int or tuple describing output shape constrain: force one parameter per for each slot in history. TODO: explain this better batched (bool): first axis is batch axis


np.ndarray: result

classmethod partial(features: numpy.ndarray = None, output_shape: Union[Tuple[int, …], int] = 1, constrain: bool = True, batched: bool = False)

Partially applies a module with the given arguments.

Unlike functools.partial this will return a subclass of Module.

  • name – the name used the module

  • **kwargs – the argument to be applied.


A subclass of Module which partially applies the given keyword arguments.

Apply docstring:

  • x = features

  • y = targets

  • H = history_len

Estimates the following:

hat{y} = sum_{i = 1}^{H + 1} B_i x_{t - i - 1} + a

sum_{i = 1} ^ H A_i y_{t - i} + b

  • Assumes features and targets have three dimensions: (batch,

history, data). Any extra dimensions are part of the data shape * Doesn’t care if features and targets have different history or input dimensions


targets (np.ndarray): target data features (np.ndarray): feature data output_shape (Union[Tuple[int, …], int]): int or tuple describing output shape constrain: force one parameter per for each slot in history. TODO: explain this better batched (bool): first axis is batch axis


np.ndarray: result

class timecast.learners.FitMixin[source]

Bases: abc.ABC

Mixin class that provides a fit function for offline training / learner initialization

abstract classmethod fit(data: Iterable[Tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, Any]], input_dim: int, output_dim: int = 1, key: jax.numpy.lax_numpy.ndarray = None, **kwargs) → flax.nn.base.Model[source]

Fit and initialize learner on training data


  • We could infer input_dim from data, but for now, require

users to explicitly provide * output_dim defaults to 1 and is ignored for now

  • data – an iterable of tuples containing input/truth pairs of time

  • plus any auxiliary value (series) –

  • input_dim – number of feature dimensions in input

  • output_dim – number of feature dimensions in output

  • key – random key for jax random

  • kwargs – Extra keyword arguments


initialized model

Return type


class timecast.learners.Linear(*args, name=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: timecast.learners.base.NewMixin, flax.nn.base.Module

Applies a linear transformation to the inputs along multiple dimensions. :param inputs: The nd-array to be transformed. :param output_shape: tuple of output shape. :param input_axes: tuple with axes to apply the transformation on. :param batch_axes: tuple with batch axes. :param bias: whether to add a bias to the output (default: True). :param dtype: the dtype of the computation (default: float32). :param kernel_init: initializer function for the weight matrix. :param bias_init: initializer function for the bias. :param precision: numerical precision of the computation see jax.lax.Precision

for details.


The transformed input.

apply(inputs, output_shape, input_axes=-1, batch_axes=(), bias=True, dtype=<class 'jax.numpy.lax_numpy.float32'>, kernel_init=<function variance_scaling.<locals>.init>, bias_init=<function zeros>, precision=None)[source]

Applies a linear transformation to the inputs along multiple dimensions. :param inputs: The nd-array to be transformed. :param output_shape: tuple of output shape. :param input_axes: tuple with axes to apply the transformation on. :param batch_axes: tuple with batch axes. :param bias: whether to add a bias to the output (default: True). :param dtype: the dtype of the computation (default: float32). :param kernel_init: initializer function for the weight matrix. :param bias_init: initializer function for the bias. :param precision: numerical precision of the computation see jax.lax.Precision

for details.


The transformed input.

classmethod call(inputs, output_shape, input_axes=-1, batch_axes=(), bias=True, dtype=<class 'jax.numpy.lax_numpy.float32'>, kernel_init=<function variance_scaling.<locals>.init>, bias_init=<function zeros>, precision=None)

Evaluate the module with the given parameters.

  • params – the parameters of the module. Typically, inital parameter values are constructed using Module.init or Module.init_by_shape.

  • *args – arguments passed to the module’s apply function

  • name – name of this module.

  • **kwargs – keyword arguments passed to the module’s apply function

  • inputs – The nd-array to be transformed.

  • output_shape – tuple of output shape.

  • input_axes – tuple with axes to apply the transformation on.

  • batch_axes – tuple with batch axes.

  • bias – whether to add a bias to the output (default: True).

  • dtype – the dtype of the computation (default: float32).

  • kernel_init – initializer function for the weight matrix.

  • bias_init – initializer function for the bias.

  • precision – numerical precision of the computation see jax.lax.Precision for details.


The output of the module’s apply function.

Apply docstring:

Applies a linear transformation to the inputs along multiple dimensions.


The transformed input.

classmethod create(inputs, output_shape, input_axes=-1, batch_axes=(), bias=True, dtype=<class 'jax.numpy.lax_numpy.float32'>, kernel_init=<function variance_scaling.<locals>.init>, bias_init=<function zeros>, precision=None)

Create a module instance by evaluating the model.

DEPRECATION WARNING: create() is deprecated use init() to initialize parameters and then explicitly create a nn.Model given the module and initialized parameters.

Use create_by_shape instead to initialize without doing computation. Initializer functions can depend both on the shape and the value of inputs.

  • _rng – the random number generator used to initialize parameters.

  • *args – arguments passed to the module’s apply function

  • name – name of this module

  • **kwargs – keyword arguments passed to the module’s apply function

  • inputs – The nd-array to be transformed.

  • output_shape – tuple of output shape.

  • input_axes – tuple with axes to apply the transformation on.

  • batch_axes – tuple with batch axes.

  • bias – whether to add a bias to the output (default: True).

  • dtype – the dtype of the computation (default: float32).

  • kernel_init – initializer function for the weight matrix.

  • bias_init – initializer function for the bias.

  • precision – numerical precision of the computation see jax.lax.Precision for details.


A pair consisting of the model output and an instance of Model

Apply docstring:

Applies a linear transformation to the inputs along multiple dimensions.


The transformed input.

classmethod create_by_shape(input_specs, inputs, output_shape, input_axes=-1, batch_axes=(), bias=True, dtype=<class 'jax.numpy.lax_numpy.float32'>, kernel_init=<function variance_scaling.<locals>.init>, bias_init=<function zeros>, precision=None)

Create a module instance using only shape and dtype information.

DEPRECATION WARNING: create_by_shape() is deprecated use init_by_shape() to initialize parameters and then explicitly create a nn.Model given the module and initialized parameters.

This method will initialize the model without computation. Initializer functions can depend on the shape but not the value of inputs.

  • _rng – the random number generator used to initialize parameters.

  • input_specs – an iterable of (shape, dtype) pairs specifying the inputs

  • *args – other arguments passed to the module’s apply function

  • name – name of this module.

  • **kwargs – keyword arguments passed to the module’s apply function

  • inputs – The nd-array to be transformed.

  • output_shape – tuple of output shape.

  • input_axes – tuple with axes to apply the transformation on.

  • batch_axes – tuple with batch axes.

  • bias – whether to add a bias to the output (default: True).

  • dtype – the dtype of the computation (default: float32).

  • kernel_init – initializer function for the weight matrix.

  • bias_init – initializer function for the bias.

  • precision – numerical precision of the computation see jax.lax.Precision for details.


A pair consisting of the model output and an instance of Model

Apply docstring:

Applies a linear transformation to the inputs along multiple dimensions.


The transformed input.

classmethod init(inputs, output_shape, input_axes=-1, batch_axes=(), bias=True, dtype=<class 'jax.numpy.lax_numpy.float32'>, kernel_init=<function variance_scaling.<locals>.init>, bias_init=<function zeros>, precision=None)

Initialize the module parameters.

  • _rng – the random number generator used to initialize parameters.

  • *args – arguments passed to the module’s apply function

  • name – name of this module.

  • **kwargs – keyword arguments passed to the module’s apply function

  • inputs – The nd-array to be transformed.

  • output_shape – tuple of output shape.

  • input_axes – tuple with axes to apply the transformation on.

  • batch_axes – tuple with batch axes.

  • bias – whether to add a bias to the output (default: True).

  • dtype – the dtype of the computation (default: float32).

  • kernel_init – initializer function for the weight matrix.

  • bias_init – initializer function for the bias.

  • precision – numerical precision of the computation see jax.lax.Precision for details.


A pair consisting of the model output and the initialized parameters

Apply docstring:

Applies a linear transformation to the inputs along multiple dimensions.


The transformed input.

classmethod init_by_shape(input_specs, inputs, output_shape, input_axes=-1, batch_axes=(), bias=True, dtype=<class 'jax.numpy.lax_numpy.float32'>, kernel_init=<function variance_scaling.<locals>.init>, bias_init=<function zeros>, precision=None)

Initialize the module parameters.

This method will initialize the module parameters without computation. Initializer functions can depend on the shape but not the value of inputs.

  • _rng – the random number generator used to initialize parameters.

  • input_specs – an iterable of (shape, dtype) pairs specifying the inputs

  • *args – arguments passed to the module’s apply function

  • name – name of this module.

  • **kwargs – keyword arguments passed to the module’s apply function


A pair consisting of the model output and the initialized parameters


``` input_shape = (batch_size, image_size, image_size, 3) model_output, initial_params = model.init_by_shape(jax.random.PRNGKey(0),

input_specs=[(input_shape, jnp.float32)])


Apply docstring:

Applies a linear transformation to the inputs along multiple dimensions.

  • inputs – The nd-array to be transformed.

  • output_shape – tuple of output shape.

  • input_axes – tuple with axes to apply the transformation on.

  • batch_axes – tuple with batch axes.

  • bias – whether to add a bias to the output (default: True).

  • dtype – the dtype of the computation (default: float32).

  • kernel_init – initializer function for the weight matrix.

  • bias_init – initializer function for the bias.

  • precision – numerical precision of the computation see jax.lax.Precision for details.


The transformed input.

classmethod partial(output_shape, input_axes=-1, batch_axes=(), bias=True, dtype=<class 'jax.numpy.lax_numpy.float32'>, kernel_init=<function variance_scaling.<locals>.init>, bias_init=<function zeros>, precision=None)

Partially applies a module with the given arguments.

Unlike functools.partial this will return a subclass of Module.

  • name – the name used the module

  • **kwargs – the argument to be applied.

  • inputs – The nd-array to be transformed.

  • output_shape – tuple of output shape.

  • input_axes – tuple with axes to apply the transformation on.

  • batch_axes – tuple with batch axes.

  • bias – whether to add a bias to the output (default: True).

  • dtype – the dtype of the computation (default: float32).

  • kernel_init – initializer function for the weight matrix.

  • bias_init – initializer function for the bias.

  • precision – numerical precision of the computation see jax.lax.Precision for details.


A subclass of Module which partially applies the given keyword arguments.

Apply docstring:

Applies a linear transformation to the inputs along multiple dimensions.


The transformed input.

class timecast.learners.NewMixin[source]

Bases: object

Mixin class that provides a flax.nn.Model constructor function

classmethod new(shapes: List[Tuple[int, …]], *, key: jax.numpy.lax_numpy.ndarray = None, name: str = None, **kwargs) → flax.nn.base.Model[source]
  • shapes (List[Tuple[int, ..]]) – shapes for initialization

  • key (jnp.ndarray) – key for jax random

  • name (str) – identifier for top-level module

  • **kwargs – arguments for flax.nn.Module

class timecast.learners.PCR(*args, name=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: timecast.learners.base.NewMixin, timecast.learners.base.FitMixin, flax.nn.base.Module

output_dim (Union[Tuple[int, …], int]): int or tuple describing output shape


  • We expect that x is one- or two-dimensional

  • We reshape x to ensure its first axis is time and its second axis is input_features

  • x (np.ndarray) – input data

  • history_len (int) – length of AR history length

  • output_dim (Union[Tuple[int, ..], int]) – int or tuple

  • output shape (describing) –

  • history (np.ndarray, optional) – Defaults to None. Optional

  • for history (initialization) –

  • loc – mean for centering data

  • scale – std for normalizing data



Return type


apply(x: numpy.ndarray, history_len: int, projection: numpy.ndarray, output_dim: Union[Tuple[int, …], int] = 1, history: numpy.ndarray = None, loc: Union[numpy.ndarray, float] = None, scale: Union[numpy.ndarray, float] = None)[source]

output_dim (Union[Tuple[int, …], int]): int or tuple describing output shape


  • We expect that x is one- or two-dimensional

  • We reshape x to ensure its first axis is time and its second axis is input_features

  • x (np.ndarray) – input data

  • history_len (int) – length of AR history length

  • output_dim (Union[Tuple[int, ..], int]) – int or tuple

  • output shape (describing) –

  • history (np.ndarray, optional) – Defaults to None. Optional

  • for history (initialization) –

  • loc – mean for centering data

  • scale – std for normalizing data



Return type


classmethod call(x: numpy.ndarray, history_len: int, projection: numpy.ndarray, output_dim: Union[Tuple[int, …], int] = 1, history: numpy.ndarray = None, loc: Union[numpy.ndarray, float] = None, scale: Union[numpy.ndarray, float] = None)

Evaluate the module with the given parameters.

  • params – the parameters of the module. Typically, inital parameter values are constructed using Module.init or Module.init_by_shape.

  • *args – arguments passed to the module’s apply function

  • name – name of this module.

  • **kwargs – keyword arguments passed to the module’s apply function


The output of the module’s apply function.

Apply docstring:

  • AR doesn’t take any history

output_dim (Union[Tuple[int, …], int]): int or tuple describing output shape

  • We expect that x is one- or two-dimensional

  • We reshape x to ensure its first axis is time and its second axis is input_features


x (np.ndarray): input data history_len (int): length of AR history length output_dim (Union[Tuple[int, …], int]): int or tuple describing output shape history (np.ndarray, optional): Defaults to None. Optional initialization for history loc: mean for centering data scale: std for normalizing data


np.ndarray: result

classmethod create(x: numpy.ndarray, history_len: int, projection: numpy.ndarray, output_dim: Union[Tuple[int, …], int] = 1, history: numpy.ndarray = None, loc: Union[numpy.ndarray, float] = None, scale: Union[numpy.ndarray, float] = None)

Create a module instance by evaluating the model.

DEPRECATION WARNING: create() is deprecated use init() to initialize parameters and then explicitly create a nn.Model given the module and initialized parameters.

Use create_by_shape instead to initialize without doing computation. Initializer functions can depend both on the shape and the value of inputs.

  • _rng – the random number generator used to initialize parameters.

  • *args – arguments passed to the module’s apply function

  • name – name of this module

  • **kwargs – keyword arguments passed to the module’s apply function


A pair consisting of the model output and an instance of Model

Apply docstring:

  • AR doesn’t take any history

output_dim (Union[Tuple[int, …], int]): int or tuple describing output shape

  • We expect that x is one- or two-dimensional

  • We reshape x to ensure its first axis is time and its second axis is input_features


x (np.ndarray): input data history_len (int): length of AR history length output_dim (Union[Tuple[int, …], int]): int or tuple describing output shape history (np.ndarray, optional): Defaults to None. Optional initialization for history loc: mean for centering data scale: std for normalizing data


np.ndarray: result

classmethod create_by_shape(input_specs, x: numpy.ndarray, history_len: int, projection: numpy.ndarray, output_dim: Union[Tuple[int, …], int] = 1, history: numpy.ndarray = None, loc: Union[numpy.ndarray, float] = None, scale: Union[numpy.ndarray, float] = None)

Create a module instance using only shape and dtype information.

DEPRECATION WARNING: create_by_shape() is deprecated use init_by_shape() to initialize parameters and then explicitly create a nn.Model given the module and initialized parameters.

This method will initialize the model without computation. Initializer functions can depend on the shape but not the value of inputs.

  • _rng – the random number generator used to initialize parameters.

  • input_specs – an iterable of (shape, dtype) pairs specifying the inputs

  • *args – other arguments passed to the module’s apply function

  • name – name of this module.

  • **kwargs – keyword arguments passed to the module’s apply function


A pair consisting of the model output and an instance of Model

Apply docstring:

  • AR doesn’t take any history

output_dim (Union[Tuple[int, …], int]): int or tuple describing output shape

  • We expect that x is one- or two-dimensional

  • We reshape x to ensure its first axis is time and its second axis is input_features


x (np.ndarray): input data history_len (int): length of AR history length output_dim (Union[Tuple[int, …], int]): int or tuple describing output shape history (np.ndarray, optional): Defaults to None. Optional initialization for history loc: mean for centering data scale: std for normalizing data


np.ndarray: result

classmethod fit(data: Iterable[Tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, Any]], input_dim: int, history_len: int, output_dim: int = 1, k: int = None, normalize: bool = True, alpha: float = 1.0, key: jax.numpy.lax_numpy.ndarray = None, history: numpy.ndarray = None, name: str = 'PCR', **kwargs) → flax.nn.base.Model[source]

Receives data as an iterable of tuples containing input time series, true time series


  • Use (1, history_len * input_dim) vectors as features (could

consider other representations) * Ignore true value (i.e., look at features only) (should we consider impact of features on dependent variable?) * Given a time series of length N and a history of length H, construct N - H + 1 windows * We could infer input_dim from data, but for now, require users to explicitly provide * Assumes we get tuples of time series, not individual time series observations

  • data – an iterable of tuples containing input/truth pairs of time

  • plus any auxiliary value (series) –

  • input_dim – number of feature dimensions in input

  • history_len – length of history to consider

  • output_dim – number of feature dimensions in output

  • k – number of PCA components to keep. Default is min(num_histories,

  • normalize – zscore data or not

  • input_dim)

  • alpha – Parameter to pass to ridge regression for AR fit

  • key – random key for jax random

  • history – Any history to pass to AR

  • name – name for the top-level module

  • kwargs – Extra keyword arguments


initialized model

Return type


classmethod init(x: numpy.ndarray, history_len: int, projection: numpy.ndarray, output_dim: Union[Tuple[int, …], int] = 1, history: numpy.ndarray = None, loc: Union[numpy.ndarray, float] = None, scale: Union[numpy.ndarray, float] = None)

Initialize the module parameters.

  • _rng – the random number generator used to initialize parameters.

  • *args – arguments passed to the module’s apply function

  • name – name of this module.

  • **kwargs – keyword arguments passed to the module’s apply function


A pair consisting of the model output and the initialized parameters

Apply docstring:

  • AR doesn’t take any history

output_dim (Union[Tuple[int, …], int]): int or tuple describing output shape

  • We expect that x is one- or two-dimensional

  • We reshape x to ensure its first axis is time and its second axis is input_features


x (np.ndarray): input data history_len (int): length of AR history length output_dim (Union[Tuple[int, …], int]): int or tuple describing output shape history (np.ndarray, optional): Defaults to None. Optional initialization for history loc: mean for centering data scale: std for normalizing data


np.ndarray: result

classmethod init_by_shape(input_specs, x: numpy.ndarray, history_len: int, projection: numpy.ndarray, output_dim: Union[Tuple[int, …], int] = 1, history: numpy.ndarray = None, loc: Union[numpy.ndarray, float] = None, scale: Union[numpy.ndarray, float] = None)

Initialize the module parameters.

This method will initialize the module parameters without computation. Initializer functions can depend on the shape but not the value of inputs.

  • _rng – the random number generator used to initialize parameters.

  • input_specs – an iterable of (shape, dtype) pairs specifying the inputs

  • *args – arguments passed to the module’s apply function

  • name – name of this module.

  • **kwargs – keyword arguments passed to the module’s apply function


A pair consisting of the model output and the initialized parameters


``` input_shape = (batch_size, image_size, image_size, 3) model_output, initial_params = model.init_by_shape(jax.random.PRNGKey(0),

input_specs=[(input_shape, jnp.float32)])


Apply docstring:

  • AR doesn’t take any history

output_dim (Union[Tuple[int, …], int]): int or tuple describing output shape

  • We expect that x is one- or two-dimensional

  • We reshape x to ensure its first axis is time and its second axis is input_features


x (np.ndarray): input data history_len (int): length of AR history length output_dim (Union[Tuple[int, …], int]): int or tuple describing output shape history (np.ndarray, optional): Defaults to None. Optional initialization for history loc: mean for centering data scale: std for normalizing data


np.ndarray: result

classmethod partial(history_len: int, projection: numpy.ndarray, output_dim: Union[Tuple[int, …], int] = 1, history: numpy.ndarray = None, loc: Union[numpy.ndarray, float] = None, scale: Union[numpy.ndarray, float] = None)

Partially applies a module with the given arguments.

Unlike functools.partial this will return a subclass of Module.

  • name – the name used the module

  • **kwargs – the argument to be applied.


A subclass of Module which partially applies the given keyword arguments.

Apply docstring:

  • AR doesn’t take any history

output_dim (Union[Tuple[int, …], int]): int or tuple describing output shape

  • We expect that x is one- or two-dimensional

  • We reshape x to ensure its first axis is time and its second axis is input_features


x (np.ndarray): input data history_len (int): length of AR history length output_dim (Union[Tuple[int, …], int]): int or tuple describing output shape history (np.ndarray, optional): Defaults to None. Optional initialization for history loc: mean for centering data scale: std for normalizing data


np.ndarray: result

class timecast.learners.Parallel(*args, name=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: timecast.learners.base.NewMixin, flax.nn.base.Module

  • x (np.ndarray) – input data

  • modules (List[flax.nn.module]) – list of flax modules

  • args (List[dict]) – list of kwargs corresponding to the modules argument to initialize modules


list of results

Return type


apply(x: numpy.ndarray, learners: List[flax.nn.base.Module])[source]
  • x (np.ndarray) – input data

  • modules (List[flax.nn.module]) – list of flax modules

  • args (List[dict]) – list of kwargs corresponding to the modules argument to initialize modules


list of results

Return type


classmethod call(x: numpy.ndarray, learners: List[flax.nn.base.Module])

Evaluate the module with the given parameters.

  • params – the parameters of the module. Typically, inital parameter values are constructed using Module.init or Module.init_by_shape.

  • *args – arguments passed to the module’s apply function

  • name – name of this module.

  • **kwargs – keyword arguments passed to the module’s apply function


The output of the module’s apply function.

Apply docstring:


x (np.ndarray): input data modules (List[flax.nn.module]): list of flax modules args (List[dict]): list of kwargs corresponding to the modules

argument to initialize modules


List[np.ndarray]: list of results

classmethod create(x: numpy.ndarray, learners: List[flax.nn.base.Module])

Create a module instance by evaluating the model.

DEPRECATION WARNING: create() is deprecated use init() to initialize parameters and then explicitly create a nn.Model given the module and initialized parameters.

Use create_by_shape instead to initialize without doing computation. Initializer functions can depend both on the shape and the value of inputs.

  • _rng – the random number generator used to initialize parameters.

  • *args – arguments passed to the module’s apply function

  • name – name of this module

  • **kwargs – keyword arguments passed to the module’s apply function


A pair consisting of the model output and an instance of Model

Apply docstring:


x (np.ndarray): input data modules (List[flax.nn.module]): list of flax modules args (List[dict]): list of kwargs corresponding to the modules

argument to initialize modules


List[np.ndarray]: list of results

classmethod create_by_shape(input_specs, x: numpy.ndarray, learners: List[flax.nn.base.Module])

Create a module instance using only shape and dtype information.

DEPRECATION WARNING: create_by_shape() is deprecated use init_by_shape() to initialize parameters and then explicitly create a nn.Model given the module and initialized parameters.

This method will initialize the model without computation. Initializer functions can depend on the shape but not the value of inputs.

  • _rng – the random number generator used to initialize parameters.

  • input_specs – an iterable of (shape, dtype) pairs specifying the inputs

  • *args – other arguments passed to the module’s apply function

  • name – name of this module.

  • **kwargs – keyword arguments passed to the module’s apply function


A pair consisting of the model output and an instance of Model

Apply docstring:


x (np.ndarray): input data modules (List[flax.nn.module]): list of flax modules args (List[dict]): list of kwargs corresponding to the modules

argument to initialize modules


List[np.ndarray]: list of results

classmethod init(x: numpy.ndarray, learners: List[flax.nn.base.Module])

Initialize the module parameters.

  • _rng – the random number generator used to initialize parameters.

  • *args – arguments passed to the module’s apply function

  • name – name of this module.

  • **kwargs – keyword arguments passed to the module’s apply function


A pair consisting of the model output and the initialized parameters

Apply docstring:


x (np.ndarray): input data modules (List[flax.nn.module]): list of flax modules args (List[dict]): list of kwargs corresponding to the modules

argument to initialize modules


List[np.ndarray]: list of results

classmethod init_by_shape(input_specs, x: numpy.ndarray, learners: List[flax.nn.base.Module])

Initialize the module parameters.

This method will initialize the module parameters without computation. Initializer functions can depend on the shape but not the value of inputs.

  • _rng – the random number generator used to initialize parameters.

  • input_specs – an iterable of (shape, dtype) pairs specifying the inputs

  • *args – arguments passed to the module’s apply function

  • name – name of this module.

  • **kwargs – keyword arguments passed to the module’s apply function


A pair consisting of the model output and the initialized parameters


``` input_shape = (batch_size, image_size, image_size, 3) model_output, initial_params = model.init_by_shape(jax.random.PRNGKey(0),

input_specs=[(input_shape, jnp.float32)])


Apply docstring:


x (np.ndarray): input data modules (List[flax.nn.module]): list of flax modules args (List[dict]): list of kwargs corresponding to the modules

argument to initialize modules


List[np.ndarray]: list of results

classmethod partial(learners: List[flax.nn.base.Module])

Partially applies a module with the given arguments.

Unlike functools.partial this will return a subclass of Module.

  • name – the name used the module

  • **kwargs – the argument to be applied.


A subclass of Module which partially applies the given keyword arguments.

Apply docstring:


x (np.ndarray): input data modules (List[flax.nn.module]): list of flax modules args (List[dict]): list of kwargs corresponding to the modules

argument to initialize modules


List[np.ndarray]: list of results

class timecast.learners.Precomputed(*args, name=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: flax.nn.base.Module

Apply function

apply(x, arr)[source]

Apply function

classmethod call(x, arr)

Evaluate the module with the given parameters.

  • params – the parameters of the module. Typically, inital parameter values are constructed using Module.init or Module.init_by_shape.

  • *args – arguments passed to the module’s apply function

  • name – name of this module.

  • **kwargs – keyword arguments passed to the module’s apply function


The output of the module’s apply function.

Apply docstring:

Apply function

classmethod create(x, arr)

Create a module instance by evaluating the model.

DEPRECATION WARNING: create() is deprecated use init() to initialize parameters and then explicitly create a nn.Model given the module and initialized parameters.

Use create_by_shape instead to initialize without doing computation. Initializer functions can depend both on the shape and the value of inputs.

  • _rng – the random number generator used to initialize parameters.

  • *args – arguments passed to the module’s apply function

  • name – name of this module

  • **kwargs – keyword arguments passed to the module’s apply function


A pair consisting of the model output and an instance of Model

Apply docstring:

Apply function

classmethod create_by_shape(input_specs, x, arr)

Create a module instance using only shape and dtype information.

DEPRECATION WARNING: create_by_shape() is deprecated use init_by_shape() to initialize parameters and then explicitly create a nn.Model given the module and initialized parameters.

This method will initialize the model without computation. Initializer functions can depend on the shape but not the value of inputs.

  • _rng – the random number generator used to initialize parameters.

  • input_specs – an iterable of (shape, dtype) pairs specifying the inputs

  • *args – other arguments passed to the module’s apply function

  • name – name of this module.

  • **kwargs – keyword arguments passed to the module’s apply function


A pair consisting of the model output and an instance of Model

Apply docstring:

Apply function

classmethod init(x, arr)

Initialize the module parameters.

  • _rng – the random number generator used to initialize parameters.

  • *args – arguments passed to the module’s apply function

  • name – name of this module.

  • **kwargs – keyword arguments passed to the module’s apply function


A pair consisting of the model output and the initialized parameters

Apply docstring:

Apply function

classmethod init_by_shape(input_specs, x, arr)

Initialize the module parameters.

This method will initialize the module parameters without computation. Initializer functions can depend on the shape but not the value of inputs.

  • _rng – the random number generator used to initialize parameters.

  • input_specs – an iterable of (shape, dtype) pairs specifying the inputs

  • *args – arguments passed to the module’s apply function

  • name – name of this module.

  • **kwargs – keyword arguments passed to the module’s apply function


A pair consisting of the model output and the initialized parameters


``` input_shape = (batch_size, image_size, image_size, 3) model_output, initial_params = model.init_by_shape(jax.random.PRNGKey(0),

input_specs=[(input_shape, jnp.float32)])


Apply docstring:

Apply function

classmethod partial(arr)

Partially applies a module with the given arguments.

Unlike functools.partial this will return a subclass of Module.

  • name – the name used the module

  • **kwargs – the argument to be applied.


A subclass of Module which partially applies the given keyword arguments.

Apply docstring:

Apply function

class timecast.learners.PredictConstant(*args, name=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: timecast.learners.base.NewMixin, flax.nn.base.Module


  • Returns c in the shape of x as the prediction for the next time step

  • x (np.ndarray) – input data

  • c (Real) – prediction



Return type



ValueError – if c is not a scalar or does not match the shape of x

apply(x: numpy.ndarray, c: Union[numpy.ndarray, numbers.Real] = 0)[source]


  • Returns c in the shape of x as the prediction for the next time step

  • x (np.ndarray) – input data

  • c (Real) – prediction



Return type



ValueError – if c is not a scalar or does not match the shape of x

classmethod call(x: numpy.ndarray, c: Union[numpy.ndarray, numbers.Real] = 0)

Evaluate the module with the given parameters.

  • params – the parameters of the module. Typically, inital parameter values are constructed using Module.init or Module.init_by_shape.

  • *args – arguments passed to the module’s apply function

  • name – name of this module.

  • **kwargs – keyword arguments passed to the module’s apply function


The output of the module’s apply function.

Apply docstring:

  • Returns c in the shape of x as the prediction for the next time step


x (np.ndarray): input data c (Real): prediction


np.ndarray: result


ValueError: if c is not a scalar or does not match the shape of x

classmethod create(x: numpy.ndarray, c: Union[numpy.ndarray, numbers.Real] = 0)

Create a module instance by evaluating the model.

DEPRECATION WARNING: create() is deprecated use init() to initialize parameters and then explicitly create a nn.Model given the module and initialized parameters.

Use create_by_shape instead to initialize without doing computation. Initializer functions can depend both on the shape and the value of inputs.

  • _rng – the random number generator used to initialize parameters.

  • *args – arguments passed to the module’s apply function

  • name – name of this module

  • **kwargs – keyword arguments passed to the module’s apply function


A pair consisting of the model output and an instance of Model

Apply docstring:

  • Returns c in the shape of x as the prediction for the next time step


x (np.ndarray): input data c (Real): prediction


np.ndarray: result


ValueError: if c is not a scalar or does not match the shape of x

classmethod create_by_shape(input_specs, x: numpy.ndarray, c: Union[numpy.ndarray, numbers.Real] = 0)

Create a module instance using only shape and dtype information.

DEPRECATION WARNING: create_by_shape() is deprecated use init_by_shape() to initialize parameters and then explicitly create a nn.Model given the module and initialized parameters.

This method will initialize the model without computation. Initializer functions can depend on the shape but not the value of inputs.

  • _rng – the random number generator used to initialize parameters.

  • input_specs – an iterable of (shape, dtype) pairs specifying the inputs

  • *args – other arguments passed to the module’s apply function

  • name – name of this module.

  • **kwargs – keyword arguments passed to the module’s apply function


A pair consisting of the model output and an instance of Model

Apply docstring:

  • Returns c in the shape of x as the prediction for the next time step


x (np.ndarray): input data c (Real): prediction


np.ndarray: result


ValueError: if c is not a scalar or does not match the shape of x

classmethod init(x: numpy.ndarray, c: Union[numpy.ndarray, numbers.Real] = 0)

Initialize the module parameters.

  • _rng – the random number generator used to initialize parameters.

  • *args – arguments passed to the module’s apply function

  • name – name of this module.

  • **kwargs – keyword arguments passed to the module’s apply function


A pair consisting of the model output and the initialized parameters

Apply docstring:

  • Returns c in the shape of x as the prediction for the next time step


x (np.ndarray): input data c (Real): prediction


np.ndarray: result


ValueError: if c is not a scalar or does not match the shape of x

classmethod init_by_shape(input_specs, x: numpy.ndarray, c: Union[numpy.ndarray, numbers.Real] = 0)

Initialize the module parameters.

This method will initialize the module parameters without computation. Initializer functions can depend on the shape but not the value of inputs.

  • _rng – the random number generator used to initialize parameters.

  • input_specs – an iterable of (shape, dtype) pairs specifying the inputs

  • *args – arguments passed to the module’s apply function

  • name – name of this module.

  • **kwargs – keyword arguments passed to the module’s apply function


A pair consisting of the model output and the initialized parameters


``` input_shape = (batch_size, image_size, image_size, 3) model_output, initial_params = model.init_by_shape(jax.random.PRNGKey(0),

input_specs=[(input_shape, jnp.float32)])


Apply docstring:

  • Returns c in the shape of x as the prediction for the next time step


x (np.ndarray): input data c (Real): prediction


np.ndarray: result


ValueError: if c is not a scalar or does not match the shape of x

classmethod partial(c: Union[numpy.ndarray, numbers.Real] = 0)

Partially applies a module with the given arguments.

Unlike functools.partial this will return a subclass of Module.

  • name – the name used the module

  • **kwargs – the argument to be applied.


A subclass of Module which partially applies the given keyword arguments.

Apply docstring:

  • Returns c in the shape of x as the prediction for the next time step


x (np.ndarray): input data c (Real): prediction


np.ndarray: result


ValueError: if c is not a scalar or does not match the shape of x

class timecast.learners.PredictLast(*args, name=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: timecast.learners.base.NewMixin, flax.nn.base.Module


  • Returns x as the prediction for the next time step


x (np.ndarray) – input data



Return type


apply(x: numpy.ndarray)[source]


  • Returns x as the prediction for the next time step


x (np.ndarray) – input data



Return type


classmethod call(x: numpy.ndarray)

Evaluate the module with the given parameters.

  • params – the parameters of the module. Typically, inital parameter values are constructed using Module.init or Module.init_by_shape.

  • *args – arguments passed to the module’s apply function

  • name – name of this module.

  • **kwargs – keyword arguments passed to the module’s apply function


The output of the module’s apply function.

Apply docstring:

  • Returns x as the prediction for the next time step


x (np.ndarray): input data


np.ndarray: result

classmethod create(x: numpy.ndarray)

Create a module instance by evaluating the model.

DEPRECATION WARNING: create() is deprecated use init() to initialize parameters and then explicitly create a nn.Model given the module and initialized parameters.

Use create_by_shape instead to initialize without doing computation. Initializer functions can depend both on the shape and the value of inputs.

  • _rng – the random number generator used to initialize parameters.

  • *args – arguments passed to the module’s apply function

  • name – name of this module

  • **kwargs – keyword arguments passed to the module’s apply function


A pair consisting of the model output and an instance of Model

Apply docstring:

  • Returns x as the prediction for the next time step


x (np.ndarray): input data


np.ndarray: result

classmethod create_by_shape(input_specs, x: numpy.ndarray)

Create a module instance using only shape and dtype information.

DEPRECATION WARNING: create_by_shape() is deprecated use init_by_shape() to initialize parameters and then explicitly create a nn.Model given the module and initialized parameters.

This method will initialize the model without computation. Initializer functions can depend on the shape but not the value of inputs.

  • _rng – the random number generator used to initialize parameters.

  • input_specs – an iterable of (shape, dtype) pairs specifying the inputs

  • *args – other arguments passed to the module’s apply function

  • name – name of this module.

  • **kwargs – keyword arguments passed to the module’s apply function


A pair consisting of the model output and an instance of Model

Apply docstring:

  • Returns x as the prediction for the next time step


x (np.ndarray): input data


np.ndarray: result

classmethod init(x: numpy.ndarray)

Initialize the module parameters.

  • _rng – the random number generator used to initialize parameters.

  • *args – arguments passed to the module’s apply function

  • name – name of this module.

  • **kwargs – keyword arguments passed to the module’s apply function


A pair consisting of the model output and the initialized parameters

Apply docstring:

  • Returns x as the prediction for the next time step


x (np.ndarray): input data


np.ndarray: result

classmethod init_by_shape(input_specs, x: numpy.ndarray)

Initialize the module parameters.

This method will initialize the module parameters without computation. Initializer functions can depend on the shape but not the value of inputs.

  • _rng – the random number generator used to initialize parameters.

  • input_specs – an iterable of (shape, dtype) pairs specifying the inputs

  • *args – arguments passed to the module’s apply function

  • name – name of this module.

  • **kwargs – keyword arguments passed to the module’s apply function


A pair consisting of the model output and the initialized parameters


``` input_shape = (batch_size, image_size, image_size, 3) model_output, initial_params = model.init_by_shape(jax.random.PRNGKey(0),

input_specs=[(input_shape, jnp.float32)])


Apply docstring:

  • Returns x as the prediction for the next time step


x (np.ndarray): input data


np.ndarray: result

classmethod partial()

Partially applies a module with the given arguments.

Unlike functools.partial this will return a subclass of Module.

  • name – the name used the module

  • **kwargs – the argument to be applied.


A subclass of Module which partially applies the given keyword arguments.

Apply docstring:

  • Returns x as the prediction for the next time step


x (np.ndarray): input data


np.ndarray: result

class timecast.learners.Sequential(*args, name=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: timecast.learners.base.NewMixin, flax.nn.base.Module

  • x (np.ndarray) – input data

  • modules (List[flax.nn.module]) – list of flax modules

  • args (List[dict]) – list of kwargs corresponding to the modules argument to initialize modules



Return type


apply(x: numpy.ndarray, learners: List[flax.nn.base.Module])[source]
  • x (np.ndarray) – input data

  • modules (List[flax.nn.module]) – list of flax modules

  • args (List[dict]) – list of kwargs corresponding to the modules argument to initialize modules



Return type


classmethod call(x: numpy.ndarray, learners: List[flax.nn.base.Module])

Evaluate the module with the given parameters.

  • params – the parameters of the module. Typically, inital parameter values are constructed using Module.init or Module.init_by_shape.

  • *args – arguments passed to the module’s apply function

  • name – name of this module.

  • **kwargs – keyword arguments passed to the module’s apply function


The output of the module’s apply function.

Apply docstring:


x (np.ndarray): input data modules (List[flax.nn.module]): list of flax modules args (List[dict]): list of kwargs corresponding to the modules

argument to initialize modules


np.ndarray: result

classmethod create(x: numpy.ndarray, learners: List[flax.nn.base.Module])

Create a module instance by evaluating the model.

DEPRECATION WARNING: create() is deprecated use init() to initialize parameters and then explicitly create a nn.Model given the module and initialized parameters.

Use create_by_shape instead to initialize without doing computation. Initializer functions can depend both on the shape and the value of inputs.

  • _rng – the random number generator used to initialize parameters.

  • *args – arguments passed to the module’s apply function

  • name – name of this module

  • **kwargs – keyword arguments passed to the module’s apply function


A pair consisting of the model output and an instance of Model

Apply docstring:


x (np.ndarray): input data modules (List[flax.nn.module]): list of flax modules args (List[dict]): list of kwargs corresponding to the modules

argument to initialize modules


np.ndarray: result

classmethod create_by_shape(input_specs, x: numpy.ndarray, learners: List[flax.nn.base.Module])

Create a module instance using only shape and dtype information.

DEPRECATION WARNING: create_by_shape() is deprecated use init_by_shape() to initialize parameters and then explicitly create a nn.Model given the module and initialized parameters.

This method will initialize the model without computation. Initializer functions can depend on the shape but not the value of inputs.

  • _rng – the random number generator used to initialize parameters.

  • input_specs – an iterable of (shape, dtype) pairs specifying the inputs

  • *args – other arguments passed to the module’s apply function

  • name – name of this module.

  • **kwargs – keyword arguments passed to the module’s apply function


A pair consisting of the model output and an instance of Model

Apply docstring:


x (np.ndarray): input data modules (List[flax.nn.module]): list of flax modules args (List[dict]): list of kwargs corresponding to the modules

argument to initialize modules


np.ndarray: result

classmethod init(x: numpy.ndarray, learners: List[flax.nn.base.Module])

Initialize the module parameters.

  • _rng – the random number generator used to initialize parameters.

  • *args – arguments passed to the module’s apply function

  • name – name of this module.

  • **kwargs – keyword arguments passed to the module’s apply function


A pair consisting of the model output and the initialized parameters

Apply docstring:


x (np.ndarray): input data modules (List[flax.nn.module]): list of flax modules args (List[dict]): list of kwargs corresponding to the modules

argument to initialize modules


np.ndarray: result

classmethod init_by_shape(input_specs, x: numpy.ndarray, learners: List[flax.nn.base.Module])

Initialize the module parameters.

This method will initialize the module parameters without computation. Initializer functions can depend on the shape but not the value of inputs.

  • _rng – the random number generator used to initialize parameters.

  • input_specs – an iterable of (shape, dtype) pairs specifying the inputs

  • *args – arguments passed to the module’s apply function

  • name – name of this module.

  • **kwargs – keyword arguments passed to the module’s apply function


A pair consisting of the model output and the initialized parameters


``` input_shape = (batch_size, image_size, image_size, 3) model_output, initial_params = model.init_by_shape(jax.random.PRNGKey(0),

input_specs=[(input_shape, jnp.float32)])


Apply docstring:


x (np.ndarray): input data modules (List[flax.nn.module]): list of flax modules args (List[dict]): list of kwargs corresponding to the modules

argument to initialize modules


np.ndarray: result

classmethod partial(learners: List[flax.nn.base.Module])

Partially applies a module with the given arguments.

Unlike functools.partial this will return a subclass of Module.

  • name – the name used the module

  • **kwargs – the argument to be applied.


A subclass of Module which partially applies the given keyword arguments.

Apply docstring:


x (np.ndarray): input data modules (List[flax.nn.module]): list of flax modules args (List[dict]): list of kwargs corresponding to the modules

argument to initialize modules


np.ndarray: result

class timecast.learners.Take(*args, name=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: flax.nn.base.Module


  • Returns x[index] as the prediction for the next time step

  • This is a workaround for the case where we have a blackbox series

of predictions (see documentation)

  • x (np.ndarray) – input data

  • index (int) – index to take



Return type


apply(x: numpy.ndarray, index: int)[source]


  • Returns x[index] as the prediction for the next time step

  • This is a workaround for the case where we have a blackbox series

of predictions (see documentation)

  • x (np.ndarray) – input data

  • index (int) – index to take



Return type


classmethod call(x: numpy.ndarray, index: int)

Evaluate the module with the given parameters.

  • params – the parameters of the module. Typically, inital parameter values are constructed using Module.init or Module.init_by_shape.

  • *args – arguments passed to the module’s apply function

  • name – name of this module.

  • **kwargs – keyword arguments passed to the module’s apply function


The output of the module’s apply function.

Apply docstring:

  • Returns x[index] as the prediction for the next time step

  • This is a workaround for the case where we have a blackbox series

of predictions (see documentation)


x (np.ndarray): input data index (int): index to take


np.ndarray: result

classmethod create(x: numpy.ndarray, index: int)

Create a module instance by evaluating the model.

DEPRECATION WARNING: create() is deprecated use init() to initialize parameters and then explicitly create a nn.Model given the module and initialized parameters.

Use create_by_shape instead to initialize without doing computation. Initializer functions can depend both on the shape and the value of inputs.

  • _rng – the random number generator used to initialize parameters.

  • *args – arguments passed to the module’s apply function

  • name – name of this module

  • **kwargs – keyword arguments passed to the module’s apply function


A pair consisting of the model output and an instance of Model

Apply docstring:

  • Returns x[index] as the prediction for the next time step

  • This is a workaround for the case where we have a blackbox series

of predictions (see documentation)


x (np.ndarray): input data index (int): index to take


np.ndarray: result

classmethod create_by_shape(input_specs, x: numpy.ndarray, index: int)

Create a module instance using only shape and dtype information.

DEPRECATION WARNING: create_by_shape() is deprecated use init_by_shape() to initialize parameters and then explicitly create a nn.Model given the module and initialized parameters.

This method will initialize the model without computation. Initializer functions can depend on the shape but not the value of inputs.

  • _rng – the random number generator used to initialize parameters.

  • input_specs – an iterable of (shape, dtype) pairs specifying the inputs

  • *args – other arguments passed to the module’s apply function

  • name – name of this module.

  • **kwargs – keyword arguments passed to the module’s apply function


A pair consisting of the model output and an instance of Model

Apply docstring:

  • Returns x[index] as the prediction for the next time step

  • This is a workaround for the case where we have a blackbox series

of predictions (see documentation)


x (np.ndarray): input data index (int): index to take


np.ndarray: result

classmethod init(x: numpy.ndarray, index: int)

Initialize the module parameters.

  • _rng – the random number generator used to initialize parameters.

  • *args – arguments passed to the module’s apply function

  • name – name of this module.

  • **kwargs – keyword arguments passed to the module’s apply function


A pair consisting of the model output and the initialized parameters

Apply docstring:

  • Returns x[index] as the prediction for the next time step

  • This is a workaround for the case where we have a blackbox series

of predictions (see documentation)


x (np.ndarray): input data index (int): index to take


np.ndarray: result

classmethod init_by_shape(input_specs, x: numpy.ndarray, index: int)

Initialize the module parameters.

This method will initialize the module parameters without computation. Initializer functions can depend on the shape but not the value of inputs.

  • _rng – the random number generator used to initialize parameters.

  • input_specs – an iterable of (shape, dtype) pairs specifying the inputs

  • *args – arguments passed to the module’s apply function

  • name – name of this module.

  • **kwargs – keyword arguments passed to the module’s apply function


A pair consisting of the model output and the initialized parameters


``` input_shape = (batch_size, image_size, image_size, 3) model_output, initial_params = model.init_by_shape(jax.random.PRNGKey(0),

input_specs=[(input_shape, jnp.float32)])


Apply docstring:

  • Returns x[index] as the prediction for the next time step

  • This is a workaround for the case where we have a blackbox series

of predictions (see documentation)


x (np.ndarray): input data index (int): index to take


np.ndarray: result

classmethod partial(index: int)

Partially applies a module with the given arguments.

Unlike functools.partial this will return a subclass of Module.

  • name – the name used the module

  • **kwargs – the argument to be applied.


A subclass of Module which partially applies the given keyword arguments.

Apply docstring:

  • Returns x[index] as the prediction for the next time step

  • This is a workaround for the case where we have a blackbox series

of predictions (see documentation)


x (np.ndarray): input data index (int): index to take


np.ndarray: result